Fox - Forst Eibenstein

The fox, also known as the red fox, is an adaptable and intelligent mammal that is common in various parts of the world. With its characteristic red-orange fur and bushy tail, the fox is a fascinating animal that has always captured people’s imagination.

The fox is a member of the canine family and can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, semi-deserts, and even urban areas. Its adaptability to different environments makes it a successful predator. The coat of the fox varies in color and pattern depending on geographic location and season. It ranges from reddish-brown to gray to almost black.

The fox is a skillful hunter and feeds on a varied diet. Its diet includes small mammals such as mice, rats and rabbits, birds, reptiles, insects, but also berries and fruits. The fox is an opportunistic omnivore and adapts its diet to available resources. It is also known to stockpile food by burying excess prey to retrieve at a later time.

Foxes are nocturnal animals known for their cunning and art of deception. They have an excellent sense of smell and hearing, which enable them to detect prey. In addition, they are excellent runners and can reach high speeds to pursue their prey. Their bushy tail serves not only as a decorative feature, but also helps them regulate their body temperature and as a balance aid when running and jumping.

Reproduction in the fox usually occurs once a year. The mating season takes place in winter, and after a gestation period of about two months, the female gives birth to her young in an underground burrow. The pups are suckled by the mother for the first few weeks and stay near the den while the father provides food for the family. The young are gradually weaned and learn from their parents how to survive in the wild.

The fox has both positive and negative impacts on human society. On the one hand, it can cause damage to agriculture by attacking poultry flocks or eating plants. On the other hand, the fox plays an important role in regulating rodent populations and spreading seeds by eating fruits and berries. In addition, the fox contributes to biodiversity and is part of the natural balance in ecosystems.


Fox has also found a place in human culture and appears in numerous fairy tales, stories and fables. It is often associated with qualities such as cunning, cleverness and adaptability.

Overall, the fox is a fascinating and versatile animal that deserves our respect and protection. By protecting its natural habitats and respectful coexistence, we can ensure that the fox continues to play an important role in the animal kingdom and impress us with its beauty and adaptability.